Friday, April 1, 2011

Longshore Family Get-Together

I have a LARGE family! And I love it!

The other day [stay with me...] my dad's brother and his family came into town, and we all got together for dinner. We were at the restaurant for almost 4 hours just catching up with each other. It was a blast! I have lots of cousins that are pretty close in age, so it is lots of fun to sit and talk.

There were about 35 of us at the restaurant. I am going to try and give you a low down on who was there and how we are all related. :o]

It all started with Three Sisters: Pollio, Dolly, and Dixia. They got married, and had children, who had children, who are starting to have children of their own. I will bold the names of the Blood Relatives to try and make it a little easier.

I come from Dixia. Most everyone who was there comes from Dixia and Russ. There were two sister-in-laws in attendance that hail from Dolly. They are Vicki and Cat.
Now on to who hails from Dixia. Her oldest Son is Todd. His son Nick and his wife Caroline were there.
The next son from Dixia and Russ is Alan. He is the one that came into town and started the celebrations. He is married to Brenda, and they have 5 children. Spencer and Ashley, parents of Oakley and Brooklyn, were also visiting from out of town. Julia and Scott live a little bit north of me. Charly lives 5 minutes away, and brought a really good friend with her. Kari drove up from the south to eat with all of us. Jessica came in with her parents.
The next son is my father, Vince. I was the only one from my family that could make it to represent, so Gwen deLynn.
The next child is a Daughter named Jill. Jill and her husband Wayne came with two of their 5 children to eat and chat. The kids' names are Derek and Catherine.
The last child is Julia, and she is married to Howdy. Howdy was the only one to make it because Julia and their 3 kids had other plans.

Did I completely lose you?!? I almost got lost myself. Brenda (wife of Alan) has family in town as well, so her sister and their family joined us at the restaurant.

Over all it was a huge blast! We had lots of fun, and ate lots of food! Unfortunately I only took one picture while I was there. SORRY MOM!

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